Monday, October 21, 2019

Common Law and the Separation of Powers

It is a well known fact that the doctrine of the separation of powers is an essential part of the common law and that because of this principle; the modern forms of democracy have developed. The common law is part of the guiding principle behind the separation of powers and as such has had a strong influence over the years concerning the development of new ideas that have led to the radical changes to the legal system of the country. While it is a fact that the doctrine of the separation of powers is an essential part of the legal system of the country, there have recently developed the idea that radical changes to the legal system can best be carried out by experienced politicians who have the knowledge concerning whether the public would be for or against such changes. While this may be the case, it is important to note that the interpretation of the laws of the country is the preserve of the judiciary and the purpose of the legislature is to only create the said laws. One would even go as far as to state that once the legislature has passed laws, it should have no further business attempting to make any changes or interpreting the said laws because of the fact that it does not have the powers to do so. If it gets involved in such a direct way, then it is possible that it would be infringing on the powers vested on the judiciary, hence undermining the need for the separation of powers, which is an essential part for a strong democracy such as Australia.
Despite this, the statement that legislators, rather than the courts, have the most experience that can be used to ensure that they would know what the public reaction would be if radical changes to laws were made, can be considered to be pertinent and worthy of further discussion. It is a fact that politicians, especially legislators, have more experience in dealing with the public and would have better success in convincing it about any changes that are made to the laws. This is because they tend to be in more contact with the public than the judiciary and this may help them in dealing with it with little or no resentment from the latter (Clarkson, 235). It has become the norm for politicians to use the internet for their campaigns for those laws that they would like to pass because it has many users and such use enable them to garner public support for the laws or changes to it that they are trying to pass. The power that has been vested on the legislature, that of making laws, can be considered an essential factor for its having the right to make radical adjustments to the said laws, because it is where the laws originate. It is perhaps the legislature which has the most understanding of the laws it creates and for what purpose it has been created. This makes the legislators the most qualified people to make the changes to the laws which they deem necessary to ensure that they are in compliance with the desirable way of life.
That said, however, it leaves the question of what the role of the judiciary should be in the making of adjustments to laws to suit the current way of life. While it is true to say the the legislators have the most experience and that they would know how the public would react to any changes to laws, it should be considered that the members of the judiciary have made a study of the law, as is their duty. In such studies, they would have seen how the different laws affect the lives of individuals and may have considered the way any changes to the said laws will affect any laws of similar value in the society. One would argue that the judiciary also has a stake in the making of radical changes to laws because it is well versed in the study of the development of such laws and the precedence that has been set in previous court rulings (Flanagan and Ahern, 6). Therefore, the need to ensure that the power of the judiciary to interpret the law, according to the common law, is preserved has become essential because without this power, it would mean that the legislature will be usurping the role of the judiciary. The role of the legislators in the making of radical changes to laws should be minimal at best because while these legislators might make these changes to the law, they may be influenced by the need to take advantage of it to maintain their own order in power. Adjustments made by the judiciary, however, have the potential of lasting a long time because this arm of government does not make changes out of selfish interests and instead makes them for the purpose of making the laws serve the legal system better (Taksa, 82).
The fear that radical changes to the law might end up serving the interests of some specific groups is a reason for such changes to be left to the courts because any changes made by the latter have the potential of not being biased towards any particular group. While it is important for experienced legislators to be involved in the making of radical changes to laws, it is equally important for there to be regulations in their involvement so that they do not take complete control of the process. It is a fact that there are some politicians who tend to propagate agendas which may be harmful to other people either within their own countries or without and these can be achieved through radical changes to laws (Pastore, 615). An example of this is when some politicians propagate racist views and the creation of laws which can be considered to be racist, claiming that their own race or ethnic group is far more superior to all the others in the country. If a legislator in a multiethnic and multicultural society such as Australia does this, then there is a possibility that any changes to laws that he institutes dealing with the racial relations will most likely cause friction between the ethnic groups in this society. To prevent this, it is necessary to put very strict restrictions on the role of legislators in the making of radical changes to laws so that the general public interest is protected against any such individuals who may have some personal interest in the making of these changes.
The capability of legislators to self regulate when making changes to laws is very much open to question because their influence is so widespread throughout the country that if they convince the public to accept the changes they make and things do not turn out as expected, then there might be chaos. There are, however, some countries that use the common law, such as the United Kingdom, where there has developed a system of checks and balances that ensures that while parliament has the sole responsibility of making laws, the judiciary has also been given the responsibility of interpreting the said laws, and at times making adjustments to it to suit the general constitutional needs (Hocking and Scott, 76). An example of this, in the case of the United Kingdom, is in laws that deal with the European Convention where it has become the norm for the courts to make independent decisions especially when making judgements concerning those laws that are in contravention with the said Convention. This idea should also be applied in Australia so that the judiciary, instead of the legislature, should have the freedom to make radical changes to laws so that they not only suit whatever unique situations that have arisen in cases, but also ensure that the human rights of individual Australians are protected from any form of abuse. Ethics have to play a great role in influencing the process of making any radical changes to laws since the people involved in the making of such changes do so for the sake of what they believe to be for the good of the public. Those laws that are, however, proven to have been wrongfully changed, because of the consideration of ethics, have to be returned to their previous form because to do otherwise would be a breach in the ethical values of either the legislators or the courts involved in the process (Sim, 102). Ethics act as a guide when it comes to making a decision about the laws which should be radically changed and which should not to suit the social situation at hand and this is done to ensure that there is fairness in the process.
It can be argued that the main function that should be given courts when making changes to laws should be the power to deduce legislation so that it is in compatibility with the human rights of the people of the country and this should not mean that the legislation is invalidated, but should ensure that the court swiftly makes amendments to the legislation so that it is in accord with the desired status. The amendment to laws made by courts, however do not necessarily remain permanent, and, in fact, it has been known for courts of appeal to overturn decisions made by lower courts in these matters. Courts should be given wide powers to ensure that they are able to interpret both principal and subsidiary legislation so that these laws can be made to achieve the desired effect (Appleby, 265). The interpretation of these powers should go beyond the normal statutory interpretation because they are likely to involve the interpretation of legislation made in the past as well as those which are to be made in future. Any changes that are made to laws by courts can be done by following three extraordinary different procedures, the first of which is the insertion of words into a statute if it is found that there is none which appear in it. The second procedure that can be used when making changes is by having words omitted from a statute if they are found to be contravening the rights of individual Australians. Finally, there are times when changes to legislation is not necessary as long as a court declares that the said legislation is in compliance with the needs of all individuals in the society.
It is, however, a fact that the current Australian legal system has been developed in such a way as it has come to embrace the opinions of those individuals, mostly legislators, whose main purpose is to ensure that changes are made to laws in order to serve their own political needs. Some of the most radical changes to laws that have been made in recent years have been made despite their being no sufficient proof from the legislators involved to show that the said law has in any way been detrimental to the wellbeing of the public. While the separation of powers as well as the common law is still one of the most paramount in the system of Australian government (Weiden, 335), it has come to be put aside in many cases because of the fact that many of the courts have been under immense pressure to preside over the making of radical changes to legislation in the shortest time possible and this has ensured that the quality of the laws that have resulted tend to be questionable because of the lack of serious consideration of the consequences that they may have in the public domain. It has, therefore, become necessary for there to be cooperation between the various arms of government because this is the only way through which individual laws can either be amended or changed radically in order to conform to the contemporary way of life. It is indeed essential to not only involve the legislature in the amendment of laws but also the judiciary because these two arms are, out of necessity, obliged to work together so that there might be harmony in the Australian society.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Multi-Models in Education

The implementation of multi-models in education is a solution that provides for the digital automation, recording, and maintenance of information to be studied by the students and it deals the need to set up excellence in the tasks needed for the accomplishment of effective learning (Huang and Liaw, 125). This implementation of multi-models in education can be said to be among the main tools currently being used to help in the further development of the education systems throughout the world. It has been found that the use of such technology enable students to diverge from only attending classes because of the need to have an education, but also encourages them to actually develop an interest in their academics since this is what determines their future lives. One of the main goals for using multi-models in the education sector is to increase efficiency within it to the point of significantly reducing the amount of effort which instructors have to put in to ensure that their students develop an understanding of what they have been taught during classes (Becket and Brookes, 123). Over the first decade of the twenty first century, educational institutions and research institutes have been encouraged to initiate a massive transformation from the traditional education system to one that increasingly relies on the use of multi-models. The increasing number of those who are expected to be regular users of the multi-model based system for the purpose of their academics and this has been considered to be one of the reasons why ensuring the digitisation of classrooms has become extremely important in managing the already burdened education system.
The use of multi-models ensures that the information that students need to conduct their studies are stored in databases and this not only reduce redundancies but also shifts the way these students receive and seek information so that they can have added efficiency in the learning process (Rothon, et al, 421). A survey conducted for this study asked students how they would rate themselves in their use of technological tools in their academics and a majority of the students, some 50% rated themselves as basic, while 22% and 27% rated themselves as professional and advanced respectively. It is well known that life in the current age is highly influenced by the era of technology, and the latter has come to play an important role in today's human social development. Based on this fact, it has become obligatory to take advantage of the modern technological facilities in aiding the development of education because to do otherwise would mean that there would be a considerable loss in the productivity of students in the modern age (Brochado, 174). In order to be able to perform well in their academics, it has become necessary for students to use the various multi-model tools available which can help them to learn easily and effectively.
There are, however, other hi-tech implements that can be made the most of in academics besides computers and each of these tools has its specific benefits and application. But while this may be the case, in order for the students to use these tools successfully, they should be familiar with the use of all types of computers as well as the internet, and be able to interact with the techniques needed for the use of these tools. This has been the case in many academic institutions because when asked whether they had used some form of technology in their academic institutions before, all of the respondents stated that they had indeed used it. The effect of technology has become most influential in teaching and learning in addition to the role of the instructor, so that the role of the instructors as well as the technology they use has come to lead to highly developed learning results (Cheng and Tam, 22). One of the greatest ideals that have come to be widely appreciated in the world today has been the development of educational technologies whose purpose has been the intended uniting of students from different cultures. To achieve the objective of creating an ideal learning environment for these students, it has become necessary for the integration of technology into the teaching of their classes.
A lot of value should be placed in these students through the development of empowerment programs, which ensures that they get the opportunity to advance in the use of the technology made available in order to communicate with both their fellow students as well as their instructors in order to advance their academic goals. This is the reason why students have to be taught in an environment that has multi-models because those who study in such an environment are likely to know exactly how such technology works and will not need a lot of time to learn. This corresponds with a survey which showed that about 72% of the students who were interviewed stated that they liked using the technology that they were provided for by their learning institution. It has been found that the students’ experience in the use of technology, which is likely to have been developed after years of using its different forms, tends to work in their favour when conducting their studies. In fact, it is very likely that such students will get work done faster than those who would have studied in an environment devoid of technology. The experience that students gain through the use of technology in the classroom ensures that they know what it lacks and what it has and this enables them to work towards strengthening the knowledge they have gained further while also working towards using even more advanced technology to enhance their learning process (De Jager and Gbadamosi, 251). In addition, the use of technology in education ensures that the students are able to have a sense of continuity because there tends to be very little disruption on how they work.
The increasing popularity of the use of multi-models in education is because of the fact that it is most convenient since it enables individuals to easily access information at their own convenience. This is corroborated in a survey question asking students whether they had ever taken online classes before, and fully half of those who responded stated that they had indeed taken such classes. Of those who responded in the affirmative, 71% stated that if they had the opportunity, they would not take other online classes because their previous experience in such classes had been as excellent as they would have liked. It is a fact that technology has made access to education easier since students no longer have to physically attend classes for them to gain an education (Abdous, 281). Technology has come to revolutionise education because it has led to the development of different means through which massive databases of information can easily be accessed, creating a situation where educational information from one part of the world can be accessed by others at their own convenience. The power of technology in education has enabled the streamlining of the various thoughts and theories that are taught in class, so that they can either be supplemented or criticized by the peers of the individuals who come up with them. The involvement of technology in the education process has also become of help to teachers since it has ensured that their work in preparation for class is done on time and it is done in such a way that students are able to understand what their teacher is discussing in class.
One of the most fascinating facts about the use of technology in education is that it has come to be heavily rely on by instructors, not only to teach their students in an organized manner but also to ensure that these students get more from them than if they had not been well organized. Through the use of multi-models, instructors, through the study of the extensive information that they avail, have been able to anticipate the questions that their students are likely to ask after their discussions in class, and have been able to answer these questions effectively. While some may dispute the effectiveness of technology, it can be said that it has become one of the pillars of the many education systems in the world today and most likely in the future, and this has ensured the swift access to and development of tools for academic excellence for students (Sea Law, 64).
It can be suggested that learning institutions should seek other means to acquire funds in order to cover their running costs in acquiring new technologies instead of increasing the tuition rates. Moreover educational institutions that make decisions concerning technology that are ill founded end up compromising the value of education offered to the students, hence, affecting the future of and this ends up affecting the future of the nation. Therefore, these institutions should be expected to consider providing quality services for their students in the right way and this should be done through their making available of diverse technologies needed for the comfortable academic performance of the students. Finally, it is a fact that numerous colleges are increasingly becoming able to offer a good technological environment for their students and this can be attributed to the acquisition of knowledge that can help students in their future.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Organizational Change in the US Department of Defence

One of the questions that comes to mind for many of those affected is the reason why the Department of Defence had to freeze the available vacancies, terminate jobs in the year 2013. More questions have come to be raised concerning why the first thought that comes to the administration of the Defence Department is to cut spending and minimize outgoing funds at the expense of its employees.  It has been found that from the beginning of the Furlough, rifts and vacancy freezes to satisfy the budget for the fiscal year has had a drastic impact on all of the people who have been directly affected by it. This has created a situation where the employees of the Defence Department have come to feel that they are no longer considered assets by their employer, and that they have instead become expendable. When one considers this situation as it takes place at the Defence Department, one would say that organisational change is having a radical impact within it. This organisation is undergoing diverse changes which are forcing it to cut jobs and to justify why it has to spend in a diverse number of areas in order to maintain its current funding as well as the number of employees it has. It is a fact that most of the employees in the Department are resisting the changes which are being imposed on them and the Department of Defence is working towards finding an amicable solution in the form of appeals, which are often delayed at the expense of the employees. Therefore, in this paper, the impact of organizational change in the form of rifts, employment freezes, employee release, contract closures, budget cuts and the affect it has on employee security within the Department of Defence shall be considered in detail.
The management of change is extremely important in the development of an understanding between employers and employees because it focuses on the people within the said organization and how they resist changes that are imposed on them (Rusaw, 2005, p.482). It also come to look at how, afterwards, these employees come to accept these changes as being part of their work environment. It has been found that the administration of the Department of Defence tend to aim at creating an environment which is highly receptive of change because they have come to realize that the acceptance of change is the key which determines whether the changes that they implement become either successes or failures. The strategy which is used by the Defence Department when making changes to the organisation has come to be found to be what makes the difference on how well these changes are received by its employees, and as such, it is what determines the level of success that newly implemented management strategies have not only on the employees but also on the department itself (Durant, 2008, p.282). It has been found that the best means that the Defence Department implements changes among its employees has been its recognition of the fact that it is normal human behaviour to resist change. With this realization, this Department has come to find strategies which are useful in the implementation of the changes that it wants to be implemented. One of the most pertinent issues that it has come to address when implementing changes has been the recognition that its employees will not automatically accept any of the new changes that it attempts to implement. It has instead come to realise that since it is its employees who tend to be the most affected by the changes, these employees have to have a complete understanding of the reasons why these changes are being implemented. With this understanding, the Defence Department has come to the realization the employees will not only be better in their work in their own best interests but also for those of the department (Tremaine & U.S.A.F, 2012, p.53).
In order to ensure that the operations within the department are successful, its administration has come to have tight control over all the changes that take place within it, and in fact, the department has created an environment where all changes that have not authorized by it have no place within the Defence Department because these changes might harm the intended working process that have been implemented (Heim, 2009, p.113). The Department of Defence has placed upon itself the responsibility of ensuring that it is the source of all the changes it wishes to have and that, once these changes have been introduced, then the Department has to have a tight grip on them so that they do not go out of control. In the Defence Department, it has been found that any changes that are put in place within it cannot be successful without the support of all its employees because without the latter’s support, then all the changes implemented would be counterproductive. Most of the changes that have been implemented by the Department in recent times have, for the most part, not been as successful as would have been thought and this has mainly been due to employee resistance (Durant, 2002, p.115). Since of the changes being implemented have been of adverse effect for many of the employees, the employees affected have tended to use the appeal mechanism that they have been provided to voice their opposition to such changes (Weyand, 2012, p.391). While this has taken place, the Department has often pre-empted their move by ensuring that the appeal process takes place as slowly as possible, thus providing it with the opportunity to implement the changes it wants.
In the current world, constant change has become a necessity for the Department of Defence and this has created a situation where change management has become an indispensable element of the procedure of running this organisation. It can however be said that while the implementation of changes is important, it cannot be successfully be done within this Department without the involvement of its human resource department. As most organisations all over the world have come to find to their benefit, the human resource department has a massive influence on the employees of any organization and the administration has to seek its support to ensure that the implementation of changes is successful. From the very beginning of planning and implementation of changes within the Department of Defence, its human resource department has to be involved to ensure that it is able to transmit to the Department’s employees an understanding of what the proposed changes entail and the benefits which are to be gained from them. It is the purpose of human resource to communicate any changes that are made to the employees and to ensure that the latter have a complete understanding of why these changes are being made so that very little resistance can be made against changes. However, it is also the responsibility of the Defence Department that it treats its employees fairly because they are its greatest asset who should not be taken for granted.
Most of the changes implemented in the Defence Department have created plenty of tension within the organization because it has not been carefully handled by its administration and this has often led to resistance from its employees. However, with the involvement of the human resource department, it the Defence Department would find it much easier to implement changes because it will be able to get employee support for any of the initiatives that it puts in place. The human resource department within the Department of Defence most likely have people with the necessary communication skills to ensure that employees are informed of proposed changes in a manner which is not only informed but also clear and constant, hence the realization of the latter’s support.