Scientific Revolution

1. What developments and ideas were most important as precursors to the Scientific Revolution?
Among the developments which led to the scientific revolution was that of the expansion of trade with the world outside Europe. Moreover, there was the development of universities which enabled Europeans to have the opportunity to study their world, as well as that of their predecessors. The Renaissance also had a considerable influence in the development of the scientific revolution because it increased an interest in mathematics among scholars who worked hard to understand and expand its concepts. Furthermore, there was the development of humanism, which was the belief that there was no limit to what human beings could accomplish so long as they applied themselves to the task they wished completed.

2. What were the most important developments in astronomy during the Scientific Revolution?
Among the most significant developments in the field of astronomy was the invention of the telescope which enabled men to closely study the skies for the first time ever. This led to the discovery of many planets and also that the earth orbits the sun.

3. How did the Scientific Revolution alter European conceptions of the universe and humanity?
The invention of the telescope led to a closer study of the skies and this, in turn, made people realize that the world was not the center of the universe. Furthermore, the previous belief that the globe was flat was destroyed when it was proven that the globe was indeed round.

4. How did religion respond to scientific developments in the seventeenth century?
The church was intensely hostile to the scientific developments of the seventeenth century, viewing them as heresies and at times persecuting the inventors. In addition, the church tended to threaten those who had come up with various scientific theories with either excommunication or death at the stake. While the church did everything it could to stop scientific development, the tide was too much for it, and it has to let go.

5. What impact did science and the scientific method have on Western society?
Science led to the development of Western society into what it is today because it is through it that technology came to existence. In addition, it led to the waning of the power of the church which had previously had such a powerful influence on the lives of the people of the west. A situation was, therefore created which enabled the development of secularism in society.

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