The Middle Ages

1. What impact did the Black Death have on European society?
The Black Death came to affect every aspect of the European society in the social, political, and economic level. On the social level, the Black Death caused the death of almost a third of the European population and made many others flee their homes in order to escape it. The escape of people from their homes led to certain areas of Europe to be sparsely populated and this, in turn, created a shortage of labor which forced many landowners to increase the wages of their workers due to the high demand for them. The labor shortage and the increase in wages made many in the European society to become more aware of their basic rights.

2. What were the most important consequences of the Hundred Years’ War?
Among the most significant consequences of the Hundred Years’ War is that it caused a lot of suffering among the people of France. In addition, despite the devastation in this country, France eventually won the war and achieved most of its current boundaries. While this happened, there was also the development of nationalistic feelings, where the two sides of the conflict started viewing themselves as either French or English. This nationalism continued to persist during the latter centuries and led to a great rivalry between the two nations. The war led to the development of new military techniques and weapons in a bid by each side to gain an edge over their opponents.

3. What were the chief sources of political instability during the fourteenth century?
Among the most significant causes of political instability in the fourteenth century was the Hundred Years’ war, which pitted France against England and went on because neither side could garner a decisive victory. In addition, there was the existence of a large number of knights who did not have employment and to make ends meet; they often hired themselves out to different European rulers as mercenaries. When they did not have employment, they often formed groups, which lived by attacking villages and other settlements and pillaging them. Another source of instability was the emergence of the Black Death which killed a large number of Europeans, with the loss estimated to be about a third of the population. Moreover, there was a schism in the Catholic Church where a number of popes based either in Rome or Avignon vied with each other for ultimate power over the Church. As the central authority in Europe, the schism in the Church led to a lot of instability as people did not have proper guidance in dealing with matters in their lives.

4. What problems did the church face during the fourteenth century?
Among the greatest problems faced by the Church during the fourteenth century was the fact that there was a schism within it. The successive election of Frenchmen to the papacy and their preference for Avignon to France made people suspicious of the influence of the French monarch. This led to the appointment of a rival pope in Rome, hence creating a crisis in the church. The succeeding problem which plagued the church was the emergence of the Black Death that substantially reduced the church’s authority. This is because many priests refused to read the last rights to the dead or even to visit the sick for fear that they would also become infected by the disease. There was also a sizable corruption within the church where it tended to concentrate more in the accumulation of wealth than in the salvation of the souls of those who followed it.

5. What were the literary achievements of the fourteenth century?
The fourteenth century can be considered a golden age in terms of literature, especially that written in English. It was a time when many writers in England chose to write in their native English as opposed to writing in either French or Latin as was the norm in that period. Among the literary achievements that were made in English include The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer which to the current day is   a classic by many readers. Literary development was not just confined to English as works such as the Decameron were developed in Italy among many others.

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