Showing posts with label Decisional Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decisional Management. Show all posts

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Immigration Laws and Their Effect on the Economy of California


Immigration laws in the United States have been in place since the founding of the nation and these have been changed to suit the various circumstances that it has faced. One of the most significant issues in the contemporary world, immigration has received both support and opposition from various sections of American society. Immigration policies, especially within the Trump administration have become such a controversial issue that it has the potential of affecting various parts of the country, especially the economy. One of the states that is likely to experience some economic effects if the Trump administration’s immigration laws and rules are implemented to their fullest is California. In this paper, there will be a discussion of the impact that immigrants have in the local economy, how they affect taxation, and the potential effects of the Trump administration immigration policies on California’s economy.

Studies have shown that the state of California is one of the biggest beneficiaries of immigration in the country. This is because a considerable number of immigrants, especially undocumented ones, have settled in the state. These individuals take on those jobs that many locals would not take and this ensures that some sectors continue running.[1] In addition, because they demand lesser pay than their American counterparts, they act as a fuel for the local economy because employers have more money at hand to ensure that they make investments that not only expand their businesses, but also create jobs. Business expansion makes it possible for employers to create jobs that Americans are able to take; showing that immigration does not have to be seen in a negative light since it plays a role in creating local employment. Most immigrants are also consumers, meaning that they make purchases of what they need while at the same time promoting the local economy because of their expenditures.

Moreover, they are also important contributors to the government revenues at all levels, including the local, state, and federal levels.[2] This is an extremely important factor because one of the major points that are made against immigration is that the government tends to spend more on these individuals than on the average American. However, a study conducted by the Trump administration, which was later rejected because of significant pressure from the White House, shows the considerable benefits that refugees and immigrants have on the economy.[3] The study shows that despite the considerable government expenditure that the government commits towards these individuals, the latter brings in billions more in revenues. A result is that a decision to curb immigration would have a negative effect not only on the economy, but also on government revenues. Rather than creating jobs for Americans, it has the potential of leading to a situation where those jobs that Americans do not want to undertake would be left undone; creating a negative economic impact on the nation.

The development of immigration policy in the United States is often driven by interest groups. This is especially the case considering that these groups often lobby in Congress to ensure that laws favoring their positions are adopted. Among the most influential interest groups in the country are unions, which have essentially driven the narrative of the need to take a hard line when it comes to immigration.[4] These unions have done so because of the belief that immigrants take on jobs that rightfully belong to Americans and that there is need to impose lower caps on the number of immigrants allowed into the country. Another interest group that is influential in the formulation of immigration policy is made up of businesses, which benefit the most from immigrant workers.[5] These promote the idea that it is essential for immigration levels to be increased for the sake of the economy. However, in the current administration, it seems that unions have an upper hand when it comes to promoting the development of immigration policies.

In conclusion, the discussion above has sought to bring about an understanding of the benefits of immigration to the United States through an analysis of the impact that immigrants have in the local economy, how they affect taxation, and the potential effects of the Trump administration immigration policies on California’s economy. It has shown that immigrants are an integral part of the economy, and despite their status, they are important in helping in the advancement of the nation. Immigrants are also important because they not only spend their income in the country, but also pay taxes that increase government revenues.

[1] Jeffrey S Passel and D Cohn, "Size of Us Unauthorized Immigrant Workforce Stable after the Great Recession," Pew Research Center Hispanic Trends  (2016): 8.

[2] Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Somini Sengupta, "Trump Administration Rejects Study Showing Positive Impact of Refugees," The New York Times  (2017).

[3] Ibid.

[4] Giovanni Facchini, Anna Maria Mayda, and Prachi Mishra, "Do Interest Groups Affect Us Immigration Policy?," Journal of International Economics 85, no. 1 (2011): 118.

[5] Jens Hainmueller and Daniel J Hopkins, "The Hidden American Immigration Consensus: A Conjoint Analysis of Attitudes toward Immigrants," American Journal of Political Science 59, no. 3 (2015): 531.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Decisional Role of a Manager

Within the organizational environment, the manager should undertake the process of not only making decisions, but also solving problems. Under such circumstances, it is essential for the manager to make sure that he has knowledge concerning the problems and potential problems, as well as the promotion of means through which to come to decisions that have a positive effect on the work environment. it is also necessary for the manager to make sure that the decisions that he makes are relevant to the issue being resolved in order to bring about a situation where there is the achievement of organizational goals. This paper focuses on the decisional role of the manager and the manner through which he can be able to achieve effectiveness in his role.
Literature Review
When it comes to the decisional role of the manager, it is essential for them to ensure that they are able to undertake the role of entrepreneur (Horlacher & Hess, 2016). This is a highly critical responsibility because it involves a process where they are required to make sure that there is a constant improvement of the units under their jurisdiction. The process of improvement can be considered essential because it involves the promotion of a situation where the organization ends up being highly equipped when it comes to handling a diversity of technological challenges. Managers under such circumstances have to make sure that they are constantly looking out for new ideas that can help them ensure that their products are improved and value added to them (Laitinen, 2017; Ollila & Yström, 2017). The role of the manager when making decisions should also include the initiation of feasibility studies that seek to determine the path toward which the organization is heading. It is also necessary to make sure that necessary arrangements are made for the acquisition of capital for the development of new products, as well as undertaking to gain suggestions from employees concerning the various ways that the organization can be improved (Verboncu & Zeininger, 2015). All of these processes can be easily achieved through the holding of strategy meetings with the project managers and using suggestion boxes, as in the case of other employees.
Decisional management is one that also considers the role of the manager as an arbiter of conflicts within the work environment (Karanja & Rosso, 2017; Kumar, 2015). This is a highly pertinent role because it involves a process where the manager takes on the role of arbiter in conflicts between subordinates. A similar case arises when it comes to conflicts between the management of the organization and employees. These conflicts might come about because of a variety of reasons, which include agitation for an increase in wages or a major client of the organization going bankrupt, which might end up leading to a situation where its financial future is left uncertain. Therefore, managers should be able to anticipate such issues and take preventative action whenever it is possible. It is also necessary for the manager to sometimes take corrective action in situations where problems have arisen (Thomas, Lorange, & Sheth, 2015). Among the problems that might arise include complaints from customers, machine breakdowns, labor disputes, and interpersonal conflicts, which have the potential of interfering with the activities of the organization. The role of the manager under such circumstances can therefore be considered critical, because it involves a process where individuals have to be managed in a manner where they view the manager as the final arbiter to issues involving them. Through this process, the manager takes on a pivotal role within the organization in a way that ensures the achievement of its mission.
Another role that has to be undertaken by the manager within the organizational setting is that of being able to allocate resources (Sule & Wahyuningtyas, 2017). This is an extremely important role because it involves a process where the manager has to establish priorities concerning which tasks are the most critical for the organization and how many resources have to be allocated to each. The different activities within the organization that require budgetary allocation receive it based on their importance to its objectives, meaning that it is essential for the manager to determine those with the highest priority (de Oliveira, Escrivão, Nagano, Ferraudo, & Rosim, 2015). It is also their role to make sure that the necessary personnel are assigned to the various tasks at hand, and this is aimed at bringing about a situation where the most qualified individuals are given the tasks to which they are most suited. This ensures that there is the establishment of means through which to bring about greater efficiency in the workplace (Cohen, Rozenes, & Faccio, 2016). Furthermore, in conjunction with giving tasks to those best suited for them, it is necessary for the manager to make sure that there is the establishment of effective means of allocating their own time to different activities in a manner that ensures that they are seen to be on the lead by all the teams involved in the process.
The manager also has a pertinent role to play as a negotiator on behalf of the organization (Laud, Arevalo, & Johnson, 2016). This is an extremely important role because it involves a process where the manager plays an active role in the negotiation of deals that are favorable for the organization. These deals are necessary because they make sure that there is the achievement of agreements aimed at making the activities taking place both within and outside the organization smoother (Liew, Talib, & Jacobs, 2016). Furthermore, they promote the development of guidelines through which the organization is able to interact with other organizations as well as stakeholders in society. Such guidelines make it possible for the organization to have an effective action plan that can be developed and implemented in a manner that enhances its role within its industry. Negotiation skills on the part of the manager are also critical in bringing about the achievement of the goal of promoting the interests of the organization when it comes to negotiations of contracts with unions, as well as the negotiation of prices with major customers (Soltwisch & Krahnke, 2017). Therefore, the ability of managers to recognize their role and undertake them appropriately ensures that there is the promotion of means through which they not only enhance their efficiency within the organization, but their overall effectiveness ensures that there can be an assessment of how well their role as decision makers is performed.
For a manager at a decisional capacity, it is necessary to make sure that there is the promotion of a situation where there is a tight rein on all agreements that have been made within the team. This means that all the rules and agreements concerning the conduct of members of the team have to be respected at all times. There is also a need to make sure that there is the promotion of means through which there is the promotion of result orientation within the team, because the manager is therefore able to ensure that the team achieves all the intended results and targets. As seen above, the clarification of targets is a critical means of making sure that there is the promotion of the integrity of the work that is conducted by the team; meaning that the manager has a critical role in determining the direction towards which his team is heading. Double checking for mistakes and errors within the team context it critical in bringing about a situation where exemplary work is created; meaning that decisional management can have a positive effect on the way that the team functions, since the leader is able to ensure greater efficiency among its members.
Cohen, Y., Rozenes, S., & Faccio, M. (2016). Modeling a Manager’s Work as a Service Activity. Paper presented at the International Conference on Exploring Services Science.
de Oliveira, J., Escrivão, E., Nagano, M. S., Ferraudo, A. S., & Rosim, D. (2015). What do small business owner-managers do? A managerial work perspective. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 5(1), 19.
Horlacher, A., & Hess, T. (2016). What does a Chief Digital Officer do? Managerial tasks and roles of a new C-level position in the context of digital transformation. Paper presented at the 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
Karanja, E., & Rosso, M. A. (2017). The Chief Risk Officer: a study of roles and responsibilities. Risk Management, 19(2), 103-130.
Kumar, P. (2015). An Analytical study on Mintzberg’s Framework: Managerial Roles. International Journal of Research in Management & Business Studies (IJRMBS), 2, 12-18.
Laitinen, E. K. (2017). Managerial work, importance of information and corporate profitability: evidence from Finland. International Journal of Accounting and Finance, 7(4), 301-334.
Laud, R., Arevalo, J., & Johnson, M. (2016). The changing nature of managerial skills, mindsets and roles: Advancing theory and relevancy for contemporary managers. Journal of Management & Organization, 22(4), 435-456.
Liew, C., Talib, A. A., & Jacobs, R. (2016). Malaysian aviation technologist promotion to managerial role: an empirical overview. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
Ollila, S., & Yström, A. (2017). An investigation into the roles of open innovation collaboration managers. R&D Management, 47(2), 236-252.
Soltwisch, B. W., & Krahnke, K. (2017). Maximizing Decision Making Style and Managerial Effectiveness: Understanding How Maximizing and Locus of Control Impact Managers' Performance on the Job. Managing Global Transitions, 15(3), 215-230.
Sule, E. T., & Wahyuningtyas, R. (2017). Managerial Roles in a Dynamic Environment. Advanced Science Letters, 23(1), 656-659.
Thomas, H., Lorange, P., & Sheth, J. (2015). Dynamic capabilities and the business school of the future EFMD Insights into Business Education: case studies from business schools worldwide. Volume 2 (Vol. 1, pp. 1-6): European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in association with GSE Research.

Verboncu, I., & Zeininger, L. (2015). The Manager and the Managerial Tools: Job Description. Review of International Comparative Management/Revista de Management Comparat International, 16(5).