Monday, September 30, 2019

Direct to Consumer Drug Marketing

Direct to consumer drug marketing is one of the most influential developments of the modern world mainly because it affects the lives of almost everybody in the world. It is fast becoming a major source of information concerning the various drugs which can be put into use with many people relying on it to get news about the latest drugs in the market and their use. Direct to consumer drug marketing has developed in very unexpected ways and it has become big business for those who run drug companies since many individuals have come to be influenced by this type of drug advertising. It is a fact that among the fastest growing markets today as a result of direct to consumer marketing are those that deal with pharmaceuticals and as a result, the companies involved have come to be seen a threat to the health safety of the American public. This has been because the new form of advertising that pharmaceutical companies have adopted to promote their products have served to undermine the recommendations made by doctors concerning the use of such drugs, especially prescription drugs. In fact, it can be said that this form of advertising has come to revolutionise the way individuals in the society view the consumption of drugs, tending to look at them as quick fixes for their medical problems without any need of looking at the various side effects of the drugs that they consume.
This type of marketing, while being very effective in the provision of information concerning new drugs to the public, also has the negative effect of making individuals disregard their doctor’s advice concerning the use of this drugs and this is likely to create a future crisis in the healthcare sector. Because of the disregard of the advice of their doctors concerning the use of prescription drugs, many individuals in the United States tend not to investigate the side effects of the drugs that they intend to use. This creates a situation where it becomes difficult to judge how certain drugs may end up affecting the individuals who use them since proper precautions are not taken by their consumers. Direct to consumer drug marketing tends to create a positive perception concerning all the products that are advertised because of the fact that they only show the benefits of the drugs and not the adverse side effects that these drugs may have on those individuals who consume them. While this has been the case and despite doctors’ being opposed to the use of such marketing tactics by pharmaceutical companies, it has come to be found that the use of direct to consumer marketing of drugs is a factor that is here to stay and that it is in the best interests of the general public that these companies as well as medical practitioners cooperate to ensure the safety of these drugs to the consumers. While this is the case, it should also be recognised that this form of drug marketing is not as responsible to the consumers as it should be and because of this, it has to be heavily regulated to ensure that there is accountability from the drug companies towards the consumers of their products.
In conclusion, it can be said that direct to consumer drug marketing helps individuals to have an increased understanding of the usage of the various drugs in the market that deal with various ailments. This form of advertising seems to empower consumers in making their own decisions concerning the types of drugs they should consume to treat the various ailments affecting them and it creates an avenue for them to be more informed concerning the drugs that are currently in the market. Direct to consumer drug marketing is essential for the continued well being of those patients who would like to have more information concerning the drugs that are in the market and when seeking medical advice, they are able to discuss the various drugs that have been advertised with their doctors to ensure a wise choice is made concerning the drugs that they should use. It can therefore be said that while direct to consumer advertising of drugs has had the effect of providing more information to consumers concerning drugs that can be used in the treatment of various diseases and other medical conditions, there is also concern that this form of marketing does not show the adverse effects that these drugs may have when used. This is the reason why regulations on this form of drug advertising should be put in place to ensure that the public is protected from those drugs which may be harmful.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Values within Social Work

All child safety officers follow a code of ethics which is essential for their day to day work and without whose guidance it would be difficult for them to conduct their duties to a satisfactory level. The code of ethics that is followed is a document crafted by the social workers of Australia to act as a guide as well as a means of assisting them to achieve their professional goals. This document works towards identifying the core values and ethics whose purpose is to ensure that there is proper guidance for the social workers in this country to function in an ethical and accountable manner. In this document, there are three core values which function as the foundation upon which all the other functions of the social workers are based and these serve as a general guideline for them when conducting the major responsibilities which have been placed on their shoulders (Tomlinson, 2006). The first of these values is that all the social workers have to ensure that they have respect for all the individuals with whom they come into contact because they have to assume a neutral stance when dealing with the general public. There has to be a realisation that each and every human being is not only of importance but also only one of its kinds and that all the people that the social workers deal with have a right to self determination and to have their well being protected.
The second core value of the social workers of Australia is that they have the duty of ensuring the promotion of fairness and social justice in the societies within which they work and that have to make special provisions for those people who have been marginalised by the mainstream society. These social workers have the duty of encouraging and being advocates for societal change and by doing so, they will be able to eliminate the oppression of the marginalised in society since it is the latter that tend to be mostly vulnerable. The third, and final, core value is that these social workers have the responsibility of displaying integrity in their profession (Australian Association of Social Workers, 2010). This requires that they display such values as truthfulness, precision, dependability, empathy, sensitivity, competence and dedication. The development of this core value by the social workers is aimed at helping them display professional conduct, so that they can be able to act with dignity and commitment not only for their own development as professionals but also for the development of their own communities for the better.
A child safety officer tends to have many responsibilities especially towards those children who are within what can be considered to be their jurisdiction. Social workers have to perform their tasks in the most professional way that they can so that they can achieve efficiency in their work. When dealing with children, they have to provide counselling and any means of support that they can when these children are going through a crisis that may have come about because of such instances as death, an illness, or when there has been a breakdown in the relationship of their parents (Hewitt, 2010). It is the responsibility of a child safety officer to ensure that the members of society are aware of the services that can assist them when dealing with their children or when they observe that a child is undergoing a problem which may need intervention (Zmora, 2012). When dealing with their clients, child protection officers have been mandated with the responsibility of ensuring that they have provided letters of referral or reports that will help these clients obtain services such as crisis accommodation or social security benefits that are open to them (Barker & Hodes, 2007). One of the means through which a child protection officer can be able to gain success when dealing with problems that affect a number of children is through his getting them into small groups and guiding them in sharing their experiences, and this is likely to enable these children to support each other and to learn the social skills that will help them function positively in the society ("Social Work; Findings from Deakin University in Social Work Reported", 2012). Among the most fundamental duties that have been assigned to child safety officers in Australia is ensuring that they assist community groups to plan and carry out programs to help their children, especially those newly arrived immigrants, to adjust themselves into Australian society which is essential for their eventual integration (Cameron, G., Frydenberg & Jackson, 2011). It is essential for the child officer to ensure that he or she conducts research on those community problems which might, both directly, or indirectly, affect children and attempt to come up with solutions for them through contacting their clients as well as looking at the records of welfare and healthcare agencies.
It is a requirement by the laws of Australia for child officers to be vigilant in ensuring that all the children in the country are safe from abuse, neglect and harm within their homes. This is the reason why when the children security department gets any information concerning any harm or risk to a child of any age; it acts on such information as swiftly as possible to ensure the safety of the child involved (Harrison, Ungerer, Smith, Zubrick, Wise, Press & Waniganayake, 2010). If, for example, an officer believes that a child may need protection, then he has to conduct a thorough investigation and evaluation to ascertain the continued safety of this child. While this is the duty of the children’s department to ensure that children are kept from harm, it is also the responsibility of anyone in the public to ensure that he or she contacts the department if there is concern about any children they believe to have been or is at risk of being harmed (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2013). While this is the case, the child officer has to be ethical in his conduct by ensuring that he does not disclose the identity of the person who provided information concerning the child or children in question. This ensures that the child officer has the ability and discretion needed when conduction his investigations and if he find that the information that he has received is credible, then he can be able to take the necessary action to ensure that the welfare of the child is protected from harm.
There are times when child safety officers, during the cause of their investigations, have to visit the homes of those children whose cases are being investigated. It is the responsibility of these officers to show their identity and declare the reason why they are visiting. In certain circumstances, especially where it is suspected that there might be some resistance, these officers may have to work with the police to ensure that they their priorities, which is to guarantee the safety of the children involved (Tilbury, Osmond, Wilson & Clark, 2007). When dealing with children who are of Aboriginal descent, it may be necessary for the child officer to work with a Recognised Entity to ensure that these marginalized people do not feel any more marginalized than they are already (Potito, Day, Carson & O'Leary, 2009). The officer has to be sensitive to the concerns expressed by the individuals whose home he is visiting and must clearly state why he is visiting so that he can be more conclusive in his assessment (Lonne, Parton, Thomson & Harries, 2008). The child officer has to make the individual being interviewed that he or she has the right to either talk to him one on one or to have a legal representative for support. Finally, the child officer has the responsibility of talking to all the children in the home concerning the issues which have brought him to their home.
The child officer has to appreciate the diverse cultural backgrounds of the Australian people because this appreciation plays significant role in the formation of the bonds of work and friendship that make their efforts in the protection of the children in the society a success. Among the benefits which a child officer is able to reap from being appreciative of the diverse cultures in the society is that he will develop the confidence in his ability to do all the tasks that are his responsibility and this will also encourage him to go the extra mile to ensure that he does his best when conducting his duties (Gillingham, 2006). In addition, when working with people from such diverse backgrounds as the Aborigines, he will be able to perform his duties in the best possible way that he knows how and his conduct will be that which promotes the noble principles and practices that are espoused by the Child Safety Department.
The new confidence in the child safety officer will enable him to think of a greater role for himself in taking care of the interests of the children within the society and through working with people of diverse backgrounds, he will be able to attain the skills which are necessary for dealing with prospective issues that may arise in the society or community. This is perhaps the only way through which a child officer can hope to be successful in the community which he is working and it may help in helping the community develop any interest in ensuring that the welfare of its children is protected.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Condorcet and the Attitude towards Technology

When one considers the opinions of Condorcet concerning human development and progress, one will come to the conclusion that he was a man whose opinions of the latter were progressive. One would even go as far as to state that he would have wholeheartedly supported the technological development of the human race because this would lead to the further advancement of the race as well as the improvement of the lives of all individuals within it. Condorcet’s views can be said to have been of the opinion that the development of technology was an essential part of human development and that it was a means through which the progress of the society could be measured. The fact that technology was seen as a measure of the way the human society progressed may have been the motivation behind which Condorcet saw the future of the human race as a whole, and as an enlightenment philosopher, he may have found inspiration in it. In his opinion, the development of technology was synonymous with the development of civilisation and because of this; it did not have a singular origin, instead coming from diverse cultures. If one were to consider Condorcet’s opinion on technology, it can be said that it has the sole aim of increasing the efficiency of production as well as ensuring that human lives are improved.
Among the most fundamental uses of technology is that it provides the means through which suitable methods can be used in solving problems. The use of technology can be said to be an effective means of teaching future generations hence the creation of effective learning environments which is conducive for learning. If Condorcet’s views concerning technology were to be put into practice today, then it can be said that it was necessary for universal education to be provided for all individuals so that the knowledge gained would be further improved by the students. Because of this belief, individuals had to have equal rights to education because this was the main means through which civilisation could be transmitted and as a result, there would have been a swifter development of technology. Civilisation did not have a single origin and in fact, the various civilisations and the technologies that they used had diverse origins hence the need to have an equal understanding between them. In Condorcet’s view, since civilisations were either absorbed by others or amalgamated to form more advanced ones, it was necessary for all the civilisations in the world to develop an understanding of each other because this would be the only way through which there would develop massive human progress.
Technology was not a static form of civilisation, and in fact, it changed constantly as improvements were made to it in order to suit the different needs of its users. in the current world, the use of technology has become so widespread that the demand for it has far outstripped supply and this might as well be a manifestation of Condorcet’s vision for the human race as well as his opinion of where human progress should be headed. It has seen the cooperation at present between companies, academia and governments from different continents and regions that have ensured that there is not only understanding between them, but also the establishment of common goals that can be put into use for human development. While this has been the case, the opinions of Condorcet concerning the cooperation of people from different civilisations have remained true because of the fact that there is no equality between these civilisations and their technologies. In the current world, it is a fact that the technology of European origins has come to dominate the world as he had predicted, and this has put the technologies developed by other civilisations into an awkward position since they have been relegated to the sidelines of human development. Condorcet’s fear that Europeans and their way of life would come to dominate the world at the expense of other civilisations, some far much older, has come true as the western world has come to push its ways over others, without any attempt being made to understand the latter.
In conclusion, one would agree with Condorcet that while technological development is the means through which human progress can be measured, it is also the means through which some civilisations end up gaining power over others. It has become a means through which the injustice of races which deem themselves to be superior have used to dominate others. It is therefore essential for there to be dialogue between different civilisations in the world so that there can be technological development for mutual benefit.

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Sociological Perspective: Culture Shock

The sociologist Peter Berger has come to view sociological discovery to culture shock without the geographical displacement and one would agree with him because it is a fact that the views of individuals tend to change as they mature and undergo active socialisation. When individuals are growing up, many of them tend to perceive the world innocently, not realising that the world is made up of many complexities which are hidden just below the surface. The first perception that individuals tend to have of the world and their societies is always based on their immediate surroundings and these surroundings can be considered to be the starting point of the process of active socialisation as well as the development of the realisation of different sociological perspectives. As individuals continue growing and their social circles expand, and these mostly happen when they go to school, the come to encounter for the first time the different sociological perspectives which they are not prepared for in their domestic social environment (Muller, 53). For example, it is often in school that individuals come to encounter, for the first time in their lives, social conflict and this often comes from instances where they witness such incidents as bullying. In addition, it is in the school environment that individuals also encounter social conflict in the form of racial discrimination, where it is normal to witness the marginalisation of other students who come from minority groups. Such encounters often end up tarnishing the individual perceptions of the world as they end up coming to the realisation that their society is not what it seems in the first place, and this takes place without their experiencing any geographic changes.
It is therefore necessary for a sociologist to take into consideration that the world is not as it seems and that he or she must work towards unravelling the truth concerning the issues which are normally taken for granted. It is the duty of a sociologist, for example, to make a critical study of the society so that he can find out the various underlying conflicts that exist within it and after doing so come up with theories and perspectives concerning how the said society deals with these conflicts. A sociologist should realise that the society is not always what it seems and that while there may be peace within it, this does not necessarily mean that all is well especially when one considers that in every society, there are always class divisions as well as other underlying conflicts which are normally taken for granted by its members and never addressed (Muller, 51). One would take the example of France before the Revolution where the nobility took the peasant suffering for granted believing that it was in the latter’s lot to suffer as well as to serve them. They did not realise that the peasants were at the time becoming tired of the continuous heavy taxation by the nobility as well as their daily suffering. The result of such ignorance was the abrupt beginning of the French Revolution which would eventually change the lives of all the French people at the time from what they had previously known into what was then unexplored social territory in Europe.
It is a fact that most individuals take the various aspects of their lives for granted and this is a failing in the society because of the fact that such ignorance may lead to the development of situations that may be beyond their control. One of the aspects of society that are often taken for granted are its political aspects and this can be seen through the belief that the American political system if the best and that any decision take by political leaders, especially the president, concerning international matters, is done for the good of the American people. This, it has come to be realised, may not necessarily be true because most of the decisions made by the presidents of the United States for the past decade, especially on matters concerning the Middle East have brought more harm than good for the Americans. When the former president George Bush declared war on Iraq a decade ago, it was justified through the belief that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which turned out to be a lie. The righteousness of this decision came into question by the American public which came to the realisation that it had supported military action over false allegations and that this had created an atmosphere of extreme dislike, and even hatred, for the Americans in the Middle East.

Monday, September 2, 2019

The Effectiveness of Security Frameworks in the Modern World

In this age where the use of computers and networks related to them has become commonplace, there has developed problems concerning security framework; security framework is an important factor to be considered if one is to be able to protect oneself from malicious people and software from the internet. Most computer network threats come from the internet and are done intentionally because they are developed by people for malicious intentions. Security framework is, therefore, an endeavor by individuals as well as organizations to protect their information and other digital assets from assaults from the internet. Security framework measures will involve various steps, the most important of these steps being an individual’s understanding of the different forms of cyber-attacks that they are likely to encounter (Ma, Schmidt and Pearson, 58). Once one has knowledge of this, then it is his or her responsibility to ensure that they have put in place the best security system they can get their hands on. There exist diverse types of hazards and these can be regarded as to be of unstable levels and risks to an individual’s personal information in their computers. The higher the possibility of an attack, the more progressive the security system, that is to be put in place to ensure that the threat is minimized.

Security framework activities involve measures to prevent threats ranging from malicious codes, also known as malware and spyware, to computer viruses. Some of these viruses are so serious that they have the ability to erase entire operating systems of computers. These viruses also facilitate hackers to have right of entry to all the data stored in the infected computers, ensuring that they have access to information, which can be used for their own gain. It is necessary for individuals and companies to avoid such invasion into their computer systems by having the best security framework systems (Serrhini and Moussa, 159). Measures taken involve the acquisition of antivirus software that is reliable, frequent checking of software to ensure that they are secure from attacks. The computer software should be updated frequently to assure they are working in full capacity. Thus, it vital for organizations to ensure all departments are conscious of their security framework because it is not known when a threat is likely to be encountered.

Borders have relevance in tackling security framework, and looking at borders, domains of various countries interact because they do not have borders, therefore, the domains of a nation will be related to the nation’s willingness to assert sovereignty in the domains. With the detection of threats at the various nation states, it is possible to retain legitimate response actions by the state and this will be an important actor of the border in ensuring they continue being relevant. In cyber space, the territorial borders broadly define sovereignty of a specific nation irrespective of the domain and ability to locate domains physically. Despite the borders becoming insignificant when carrying out legal commerce, they are highly significant when carrying out policing actions of transnational threats.

In China, there is a severe internet information security because there is a leakage of information and this requires protection of privacy and other personal data should be strengthened because internet abuse has become unscrupulous. Sufficient protection of private data in China is lacking and this is because of the existence of loopholes in the safety of public information because of ineffective management mechanism (Veiga and Eloff, 361). The reasons behind mismanagement of public information are lack of emphasis on information security is incompleteness of the institutions and legal systems. Strategies for information security are insufficient and, therefore, the country should carry out further developments on internet technologies. It is barely satisfactory to carry out general public education but an incorporation of international cooperation is needed.

It is vital for all networks to be concerned with security framework defensive mechanisms through a reactive approach which focuses on vulnerabilities and actual threats. This means one has to wait until happens on the internet and then go for the person who is the bad guy. This is easy to manage although it does not guarantee protection of a government’s infrastructure. For instance, if there is a breach of city’s water supply and the amount of chlorine put on the water becomes excess, the best defensive mechanism has to be put in place to prevent people from succumbing to the poisonous water.

Organizations should carry on with their operational roles while following guidance on response to cyber incidents. Even though this thought may be good, cyber threats are often not kinetic in nature as compared to other threats taking place in the United States. Therefore, the response by the Defense Department of the United States does not work on incidents of cyber arena. The reason behind the threat not working is that there are difficulties of locating the place and the person committing the offense making it difficult to determine the agency that is responsible for various incidents (Trim, 493). If investigations are carried out, lines would be crossed because duplication may occur while information may not be shared, let alone communication, thus there is the need to have clearly defined roles for various government agencies for security framework.

With the presence of 17 infrastructure sectors and each sector with its own federal agency chairs council knowledgeable about its specific sector. Security framework should not be treated as a separate issue; therefore, the agency itself should be left to defend themselves against cyber threats by using the best possible strategy. The benefits of this alternative are scarce and the argument for this is that the organizations are already established hence they can manage security framework internally. There can be strong claims for this argument but what has been put in place is not effective in defending cyber threats, besides this benefits that accrue from continuing with the current infrastructure are few. The setbacks of this alternative are the presence of biasness; lack of coordination, no leadership is present and low security framework prioritization. Most organizations have established their ways which have often not been designed to defend against cyber threats, these organizations have low probability of altering their structures and haw they carry their operations (Nissenbaum, 61). Each and every organization has its own visions and missions and they will protect their networks and not those of other organizations, this shows the lack of coordination between organizations. Security framework leadership within organizations in the United States is missing, there must be leadership accountability in all federal governments, coordination attempts for various agencies has failed due to poor resource management. In conclusion, security framework has not been a priority in many individual agencies because most agencies are created to be able to accomplish their own missions making security framework to be viewed as a back burner; there should be a budget for tackling security threats.

It is, therefore, necessary for individuals and companies to prevent any intrusion into their computer systems by having the best security frameworks. These involve the getting hold of of the best software that is reliable as well as regularly checking this software to ensure that they are thwarting attacks. The software has to be repeatedly updated so that there is an guarantee that it is functioning at its full capacity, and this ensures that there is additional security against attack. It is important to ensure that individuals as well as organizations are conscious of their security frameworks because it is not known when a threat is likely to be encountered. The use of such security frameworks is essential for the development of and preservation of the diverse databases that have come to be heavily relied on all over the world.