Monday, October 14, 2019

Multi-Models in Education

The implementation of multi-models in education is a solution that provides for the digital automation, recording, and maintenance of information to be studied by the students and it deals the need to set up excellence in the tasks needed for the accomplishment of effective learning (Huang and Liaw, 125). This implementation of multi-models in education can be said to be among the main tools currently being used to help in the further development of the education systems throughout the world. It has been found that the use of such technology enable students to diverge from only attending classes because of the need to have an education, but also encourages them to actually develop an interest in their academics since this is what determines their future lives. One of the main goals for using multi-models in the education sector is to increase efficiency within it to the point of significantly reducing the amount of effort which instructors have to put in to ensure that their students develop an understanding of what they have been taught during classes (Becket and Brookes, 123). Over the first decade of the twenty first century, educational institutions and research institutes have been encouraged to initiate a massive transformation from the traditional education system to one that increasingly relies on the use of multi-models. The increasing number of those who are expected to be regular users of the multi-model based system for the purpose of their academics and this has been considered to be one of the reasons why ensuring the digitisation of classrooms has become extremely important in managing the already burdened education system.
The use of multi-models ensures that the information that students need to conduct their studies are stored in databases and this not only reduce redundancies but also shifts the way these students receive and seek information so that they can have added efficiency in the learning process (Rothon, et al, 421). A survey conducted for this study asked students how they would rate themselves in their use of technological tools in their academics and a majority of the students, some 50% rated themselves as basic, while 22% and 27% rated themselves as professional and advanced respectively. It is well known that life in the current age is highly influenced by the era of technology, and the latter has come to play an important role in today's human social development. Based on this fact, it has become obligatory to take advantage of the modern technological facilities in aiding the development of education because to do otherwise would mean that there would be a considerable loss in the productivity of students in the modern age (Brochado, 174). In order to be able to perform well in their academics, it has become necessary for students to use the various multi-model tools available which can help them to learn easily and effectively.
There are, however, other hi-tech implements that can be made the most of in academics besides computers and each of these tools has its specific benefits and application. But while this may be the case, in order for the students to use these tools successfully, they should be familiar with the use of all types of computers as well as the internet, and be able to interact with the techniques needed for the use of these tools. This has been the case in many academic institutions because when asked whether they had used some form of technology in their academic institutions before, all of the respondents stated that they had indeed used it. The effect of technology has become most influential in teaching and learning in addition to the role of the instructor, so that the role of the instructors as well as the technology they use has come to lead to highly developed learning results (Cheng and Tam, 22). One of the greatest ideals that have come to be widely appreciated in the world today has been the development of educational technologies whose purpose has been the intended uniting of students from different cultures. To achieve the objective of creating an ideal learning environment for these students, it has become necessary for the integration of technology into the teaching of their classes.
A lot of value should be placed in these students through the development of empowerment programs, which ensures that they get the opportunity to advance in the use of the technology made available in order to communicate with both their fellow students as well as their instructors in order to advance their academic goals. This is the reason why students have to be taught in an environment that has multi-models because those who study in such an environment are likely to know exactly how such technology works and will not need a lot of time to learn. This corresponds with a survey which showed that about 72% of the students who were interviewed stated that they liked using the technology that they were provided for by their learning institution. It has been found that the students’ experience in the use of technology, which is likely to have been developed after years of using its different forms, tends to work in their favour when conducting their studies. In fact, it is very likely that such students will get work done faster than those who would have studied in an environment devoid of technology. The experience that students gain through the use of technology in the classroom ensures that they know what it lacks and what it has and this enables them to work towards strengthening the knowledge they have gained further while also working towards using even more advanced technology to enhance their learning process (De Jager and Gbadamosi, 251). In addition, the use of technology in education ensures that the students are able to have a sense of continuity because there tends to be very little disruption on how they work.
The increasing popularity of the use of multi-models in education is because of the fact that it is most convenient since it enables individuals to easily access information at their own convenience. This is corroborated in a survey question asking students whether they had ever taken online classes before, and fully half of those who responded stated that they had indeed taken such classes. Of those who responded in the affirmative, 71% stated that if they had the opportunity, they would not take other online classes because their previous experience in such classes had been as excellent as they would have liked. It is a fact that technology has made access to education easier since students no longer have to physically attend classes for them to gain an education (Abdous, 281). Technology has come to revolutionise education because it has led to the development of different means through which massive databases of information can easily be accessed, creating a situation where educational information from one part of the world can be accessed by others at their own convenience. The power of technology in education has enabled the streamlining of the various thoughts and theories that are taught in class, so that they can either be supplemented or criticized by the peers of the individuals who come up with them. The involvement of technology in the education process has also become of help to teachers since it has ensured that their work in preparation for class is done on time and it is done in such a way that students are able to understand what their teacher is discussing in class.
One of the most fascinating facts about the use of technology in education is that it has come to be heavily rely on by instructors, not only to teach their students in an organized manner but also to ensure that these students get more from them than if they had not been well organized. Through the use of multi-models, instructors, through the study of the extensive information that they avail, have been able to anticipate the questions that their students are likely to ask after their discussions in class, and have been able to answer these questions effectively. While some may dispute the effectiveness of technology, it can be said that it has become one of the pillars of the many education systems in the world today and most likely in the future, and this has ensured the swift access to and development of tools for academic excellence for students (Sea Law, 64).
It can be suggested that learning institutions should seek other means to acquire funds in order to cover their running costs in acquiring new technologies instead of increasing the tuition rates. Moreover educational institutions that make decisions concerning technology that are ill founded end up compromising the value of education offered to the students, hence, affecting the future of and this ends up affecting the future of the nation. Therefore, these institutions should be expected to consider providing quality services for their students in the right way and this should be done through their making available of diverse technologies needed for the comfortable academic performance of the students. Finally, it is a fact that numerous colleges are increasingly becoming able to offer a good technological environment for their students and this can be attributed to the acquisition of knowledge that can help students in their future.

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