Friday, February 5, 2021

Image of the United States in the Middle East


The image of the United States in the Middle East has become significantly tarnished since its war on terror began in Afghanistan and Iraq. The latter resulted in the collapse of state institutions while at the same time creating sectarian violence. It has therefore become essential for the United States to ensure that it promotes a more positive image in the region.

One of the most important ways through which it can ensure that it promotes its image in the region is getting actively engaged in solving crisis involving its allies. This is especially the case in the Qatar Crisis where a number of American allies have ganged up against Qatar, another ally. A strong involvement from the United States could significantly work towards ending the crisis and forcing an end to the Qatar blockade.

Another step that the United States can take is promoting peace in the Middle East. America has often taken sides when it comes to sectarian conflict, as seen in the war in Syria where it has supported Sunni rebels against a largely Alawite government, with the same situation being the case in Yemen. It should, however, seek to ensure that it remains neutral in such conflicts and become a mediator for peace in such conflicts.

In conclusion, the tarnished American image in the Middle East can only be promoted when it is seen as a neutral party that promotes peace. Its interests will be furthered in this way because otherwise, the continued aggressive behavior, as seen in Yemen, could end up backfiring. Such an event could lead to the destruction of American credibility in the region.

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